By Geleh Gulaid Somaliland has lost a dear friend, with the passing of Donald Payne from the great state of New Jersey. Donald Payne’s unending diplomatic support and solidarity with the Somaliland people transcended many things will never be forgotten. Donald M. Payne has been a well-respected congressman and a highly admired individual. He proudly served his constituency for 12 terms in the House of Representatives. He has been involved in the betterment of all Americans in every facet of their lives be it in education, health, housing or labor. Donald Payne he was a teacher in his early years and when he later served on the education and labor committee, he did not disappoint, and he selflessly and tirelessly pursued to make higher education affordable for the masses by a way of attainable student loans. Donald Payne simple put was a champion of the middleclass in America. Internationally Donald Payne was as affective in his illustrious career, he has been a member of the house foreign relations committee and Africa and global health subcommittee. Donald Payne cofounded the congressional black caucus that was instrumental in creating the global awareness of the heinous Apartheid system in South African. With his determination American businesses began to divest in South Africa and the US congress later the passed the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act. We the Somaliland community at large do not only mourn the death of Donald Payne but also celebrate his remarkable and fulfilled live. |
The Diaspora of Somaliland are united in one common objective and that is to rebuild Somaliland from the ashes. Since 1991 Somaliland has reinstated her independence gained from Great Britain on 26th June 1960. Somaliland Diaspora wants the International Community to honour their International Legal Obligation and stop shackling Somaliland to the failed state of Somalia. This is immoral and unjust. Somaliland is an Independent and African Sovereign State. Somaliland is not Somalia!!
Somaliland The Gateway to Art and Culture in Africa - (جمهورية صوماليلاند (أرض الصومال - Somaliland the Shining Sun of the Horn of Africa has operated as an Independent state for the last 21 years and has met international legal standards for “statehood”. What Somaliland lacks is formal recognition of its statehood and support possibly from Friendly States who believe in the spirit of progress for Africa.
Royal Proclamation of Queen Elizabeth II 25th June 1960:
A Royal proclamation of Queen Elizabeth II granted independence to the British Somaliland Protectorate at midnight 25th June, 1960 – and State of Somaliland came into being on 26June.